Team Management Solutions

50% deposit/paired staff + monthly management service

Our end-to-end VA matching and virtual assistance services are specifically designed for small business entrepreneurs who are running their businesses online and need support in various areas. From building business assets to developing high-performing staff and managing daily operations, our team of experts offers tailored support to help you succeed. We work closely with you to understand your unique needs and objectives, providing ongoing assistance to ensure your business runs efficiently and smoothly. Whether you need help with social media management, email marketing, or project management, our virtual assistants have the skills and expertise to take your business to the next level. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive virtual assistance solutions.


Our Team Management Solutions

AVAs Pro provides staff roles we have experienced in recruiting and/or training from previous clients.

Our Team Management Solutions caters to the needs of:

  1.  Agency business model
  2. Team-based business model
  3. Service-based business model

Our remote staffing services are tailored to meet the needs of marketing agencies, project managers, entrepreneurial virtual assistants or online freelancers, and online business managers who require exceptional talent to assist with their client delivery process. Whether you need ongoing support or temporary assistance, our team of skilled professionals can help you scale your business without the hassle of recruitment.

Unlike other recruitment agencies, we prioritize team development and management to ensure the seamless operation of your business. Let us help you take your business to the next level. Contact us today to learn more!

    Our goal is to help entrepreneurs scale their businesses to the next level.

    Our Mission

    At AVAs Pro, our mission is to provide SMEs with excellent online staff who possess great communication skills, adaptability, a sense of ownership, loyalty, and enthusiasm. We have built a comprehensive system that includes recruitment, pre-qualification simulation, online job training, and mentorship support to ensure that our clients receive top-notch virtual assistant services.

    Solutions Inclusions

    Our Remote Staffing service provides an end-to-end solution, including staff onboarding, task management, payroll computation, staff management, and continuous staff training and development. 

    AVAs Task Management

    Our Account Management System is a tool we developed in our task management to ensure that no task is overlooked or forgotten. This system helps us stay on top of all tasks and requests from our clients, ensuring that we provide the highest level of service possible.

    Don’t let your business suffer because of lack of support. Book a discovery call today and discover how we can help you scale your business to the next level!


    • 50% Deposit

      for the Recruitment and Selection Process

    • A Selection of Rates from the Monthly Remote Staff Salary Guide (below)

      or a Request for Customized Pricing based on job description and level of expertise.

    • $500 optional fee

      If you decide to hire our Remote Staff Agent in-house!

    Get In Touch