Online Business Funnel Marketing Tech Solutions

Business Funnel Development
Marketing Tech Business Solutions

Are you ready to…

To launch your services?

Automate your client intake?

Build your business funnels?

Offer your courses and services in time for holiday sales?


Then let’s explore how AVAs Business Funnel Solutions can help you.

Our Lead Magnet Funnel

List building funnels…

Squeeze Page (Lead Magnet) Funnel Blueprint

Best to use when…

    • Starting to build your list.
    • Build your brand

Great because…

    • It is quick to build
    • Easy to duplicate for your other offers
    • Inexpensive
    • Builds your branding that shows your uniqueness from your competitions.

Turn-around-time: 3 working days

Our Sales Funnel

Offer pages, checkout, and onboarding automation funnels…

Application Funnel Blueprint

Best to use when…

    • Book a call with filtered leads.
    • You know your target market and can segment them well.
    • You are trying new products
    • You are offering high price points products.

Great because…

    • It is quick to build
    • Easy to duplicate for your other offers
    • Inexpensive
    • High conversion rate

Turn-around-time: 5 working days

Self Liquidating Offer Funnel Blueprint

Best to use when…

    • Trying out new customers
    • You are offering low price points products (<$100).
    • Adding offers to other already successful mid to high end offers.

Great because…

    • It creates opportunity to offer other products.
    • Up-sells often increases average sales.

Turn-around-time: 10 working days

Tripwire Opt-in Funnel Blueprint

Best to use when…

    • You want to combine low-risk, low commitment offer to high-end offers.
    • You are offering low price points products (<=$20) to turn prospects into customers.

Great because…

    • It accelerates your buyer’s journey.
    • Good tripwire offset’s marketing cost.
    • Opt-in allows you to fill your email list with buyers.
    • Encourage micro-commitments

Turn-around-time: 10 working days

High-End Ticket Funnel Blueprint

Best to use when…

    • You want to offer to high-end offers.
    • You have a compelling sales copy
    • You know your market well.

Great because…

    • You will have bigger profit margin
    • You don’t need to spend too much time on too many prospects.

Turn-around-time: 10 working days

Mini Class (Course) Funnel Blueprint

Best to use when…

    • You want to shorten the time to build a full-length course.
    • You want to build a full-length course, but you want to figure out what resonates to your market and earn while testing your content.

Great because…

    • Cuts the cost of building a full-length course offer.
    • You can still provide great value with lesser time to build content.
    • Allows you to start making profit sooner than full-length courses.

Turn-around-time: 10 working days

Abandon Cart Sequence Funnel Blueprint

Best to use when…

    • You have an ecommerce store.

Great because…

    • It let’s you track your sales funnel performance.
    • It helps increase sales by recovering abandoned carts.

Turn-around-time: 10 working days

Webinar Live Funnel Blueprint

Best to use when…

    • You want to build your authority on a certain niche through live demonstration online.
    • You want to engage your audience in a live online event.

Great because…

    • It is cost efficient.
    • It has higher conversion rate.
    • Builds trust with our audience.

Turn-around-time: 15 working days

Webinar Evergreen Funnel Blueprint

Best to use when…

    • You want to build a recurring, available round the clock webinar.

Great because…

    • It is cost efficient.
    • It has higher conversion rate.
    • Builds trust with our audience.
    • Allows you to sell your courses on autopilot.

Turn-around-time: 15 working days

Tools we use to build funnels.

We can also work with what tools you already have.

Our Price Points!

Our pricing per funnel are estimates base from our experience.

Price points may vary depending on the following variables that might affect completion timeline.

    1. Page and email copies (done or not/draft or final) – need to be provided, we don’t have copywriters.
    2. Images to use (ready or not) – we have graphic staff to fix images.
    3. Videos to use (raw or ready) – we have video editors to fix videos.
    4. Other branding details (ready or not) – we can discuss during our call.
  • We help you build your sales funnel with price points ranging from $200-$400 with 10 to 20 hours worth of work and 5-15 working days turn around time.
    • We can help you build your lead magnet and application funnels with price points ranging from $60-$200 with 3 to 10 hours worth of work and 3-5 working days turn around time.

      How to get started?

      From zero to hero, from stuck to steady progress!

      AVAs is your online business solutions team!

      We help build your dream business from idea to implementation.

      Discover how we can provide you with timely marketing funnels to boost your sales.

      Get In Touch